SHOOP® Retreat

What is the conversation you would like to have?

The scale of the challenge for people working in social change and sustainability is huge. We can help by working with you to embrace the messiness, experiment and learn.

SHOOP® is a unique practice that transforms how people work together. Through movement, improvisation and play, we explore what it feels like to let go, so that together we can find new ways forward. ​

Our workshops bring together social change leaders, funders, and teams who are:

  • Pushing boundaries but feeling isolated

  • Struggling with power dynamics

  • Ready to take bigger risks together

  • Looking for new ways to collaborate

Through SHOOP®, conversations become more authentic and purposeful. When we move and play together, we break down the barriers that often hold us back from speaking truthfully and listening deeply. This creates the conditions for:

  • Honest dialogue about what's really getting in the way of change

  • Creative solutions that emerge from truly hearing each other

  • Shared commitment to taking bold action together

  • Follow-through that comes from genuine connection and trust

The embodied experience of SHOOP® stays with participants long after the workshop ends, influencing how they approach challenges, have difficult conversations, and collaborate for meaningful change in their work and communities.

What happens in a SHOOP®  retreat?

  • Experience embodied learning through guided movement, improvisation and play

  • Build deep, lasting relationships with fellow changemakers

  • Develop practical tools for navigating uncertainty together and have conversations of value for action

  • Join a community of practice that supports your wellbeing and those you work with

We host SHOOP® retreats for a half day, or you can talk to us about collaborating with you on your next event, away day or conference.

Interested in working together?

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!